The Short Distance Between Yelping and Whining

The Short Distance Between Yelping and Whining

I was thrilled to see a restaurant stand up to a disgruntled Yelp reviewer who trashed the place in a review without actually dining there. The screed was based on the restaurant's refusal to box their elegant food for takeout. At the same time, I'm concerned that 1,700 French chefs have signed a petition calling for a ban on online negative reviews. Who is accountable anymore in this online world?

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Stop Struggling

Stop Struggling

The myth of the creative individual starving for her or his art, the idea that good work only comes out of struggle, has been perpetrated for centuries. Is it also a necessity for the art of wine? Must a grape vine struggle to realize its greatest destiny? Poppycock! sort of. And here's why, complete with a motivational plant video.

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