My Morning With Aurelio

My Morning With Aurelio

For many, 10 a.m. is a great time for a coffee break, but when Aurelio Montes, Jr., called me and suggested we get together at 10 to taste "something fresh," coffee was nowhere on the menu. His idea of fresh was a collection of fascinating new releases from one of my favorite wineries and an opportunity to catch up with one of South America's most interesting winemakers. All very tasteful, of course.

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Stop Struggling

Stop Struggling

The myth of the creative individual starving for her or his art, the idea that good work only comes out of struggle, has been perpetrated for centuries. Is it also a necessity for the art of wine? Must a grape vine struggle to realize its greatest destiny? Poppycock! sort of. And here's why, complete with a motivational plant video.

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Going Nativa

Going Nativa

The French refer to a vine's rootstock as it's pied or "foot," and it takes only the slightest bit of literary license to believe that, like a person, you don't understand a wine until you've walked in its vines' shoes, or at least where the vine puts its "foot." Today, I walk with the vines in the vineyard's of Chilean organic winery Nativa.

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